Having so much heat in this city for most part of the year, one almost forgets the feeling of the cool freshness in the breeze when it rains. From the whispering hum as sheets of precipitation plummet to the water-forsaken ground to the sky being dominated by tumbling greys, smoky and silver, I love it all!
Each drop is like music to my ears, always calling to me in ways I cannot explain. When the patter of the drops tumbles from grey skies the melody brings serenity no matter the chaos in my life. Rain. Blessed rain. Blame the pluviophile in me!
So what happens when it rains in Dar?
For the best part, the whole city turns green! And being outside without the need for sunglasses, taking in the softened hues with naked eyes, and listening to the drumming is a treat. On the downside, if the rain is too much, then there is flooding in most parts of the city…That’s a different story.
For now let us just focus on the beautiful sceneries caused by rain. And as they say, sometimes pictures speak volumes!
P.S.All pictures are raw and unedited.

University of Dar es salaam

State of the art pool at the university

Botanical Gardens

Coco Beach

Town Center

Botanical Gardens

Coco Beach