Travel Magoroto Forest via Mombasa
Travel to Magoroto and Mombasa. Join us for a fun, unique, personalized experience that will allow you to connect with people and nature in ways that will enrich your lives and create lasting memories! Beyond just a tour…
Travel to Magoroto Forest
Magoroto forest is situated in the East Usambara mountains in north-east Tanzania. The East Usambaras form part of the mountain chain called the Eastern Arc which ranges from southern Kenya to southern Tanzania. These mountains are known for their high levels of species endemism and rich floral and faunal diversity
(Hamilton, 1989).
Travel to Mombasa, Kenya
A melting pot of languages and cultures from all sides of the Indian Ocean. Mombasa waits like an exotic dessert for travelers who make it to Kenya’s coastline. And it has more in common with Dakar or Dar es Salaam than Nairobi. Mombasa’s blend of India, Arabia and Africa can be intoxicating. As a result many visitors find themselves seduced by the cosmopolitan port despite its grime and sleaze, which somehow only adds to the place’s considerable charm.
PS: If you are a in a group, we can hit you with a discount.
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